(Esther Showalter)
Two of the most common exaggerations that people at Duke throw around carelessly every day can be unexaggeratedly applied to 5pm - 12pm of Saturday, March 6.
Epic - heroic; majestic; impressively great; of unusually great size or extent; worthy of poetry.
Awesome - inspiring awe
Awe: an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, fear, etc., produced by that which is grand, sublime, extremely powerful, or the like; power to inspire fear or reverence; fear or dread.
Favorite comment of the night: “Girl, you are very blue!”
Like Robert said, if you watch the game, you notice a blue blobby area in the bottom left of the fan crowd, which is The Fortress. The totally blue skin totally worked totally.
Apparently the line monitors got 1600 people into the stadium section. Epic, Zach White, just Epic. And The Fortress was standing right in front of a gap between the writer desks so it was like having a whole 4 square feet to ourselves – the Maryland game felt more crowded than this one. I’m going to aim for the front row every time now.
During the half-time show I went out to get water and when I came back a security guard told me I couldn’t go in the way I came out, that I had to go around to the other side (the student entrance nearest the door to Cameron) so I went back around and found a bunch of other people who had been told they couldn’t get back in either. I thought, Great, now I get to sit the rest of the game out behind all the bleachers. How purposeful. So I thought that maybe, just maybe I could condense myself into the size of a micron and hold my breath and maybe, just maybe, be able to squeeze through the crowd back to where the Fortress was.
Nope. Not a chance. Not a shadow of a chance. Not a ghost of a shadow of a wheeze of drop of a chance. I got 5 people in, knocked the same guy off his bench 3 times, then gave up and jumped out. Then I went around back to the stadium entrance that I had originally left by and the security guard wasn’t there anymore so I went right in and ran back the where the Fortress was when a break got called in the game. Well done, security guy. You securely guarded Cameron Stadium from all blue-painted basketball fans. Except you didn’t. And since you apparently also let in two more Bodnars than actually go to Duke, it’s a triple fail. But we forgive you. Because Duke cheesed UNC.
I read somewhere that even if Duke hadn’t scored a single point in the whole second half of the game, we still would have won.
Epic. Awesome.
Here’re some more favorite memories:
Midnight Stat 113 parties with Tim and Tanner and Josh and a few other people as we tried to figure out what in the world our professor was expecting of us. What does REGRESS in MATLAB actually do anyway? The only thing that would have made those parties better would be if Stat class had just gone away.
Getting cookies from people I don’t know but now love.
Reading the blog and wishing I could spend all day in The Fortress because so many interesting things went on there when I wasn’t around.
Sitting in the Bastion and listening to the Randos talk about The Fortress and sniggering – yes, sniggering – about them with Michael.
Choosing the one night it snowed to camp out in the walk-up line for the Maryland game.
Nick always wearing shorts. This I still don’t understand.
Claire’s tyres. And strutting through the London airport (Heathrow?) like a celebrity.
Poking around Wilson Gym trying to find all potential electrical outlets.
Lewis declaring war on the other tents. This was just an ongoing phenomenon, I think, not one specific time.
Laura, once upon a morning of black tenting: “It’s 7. I love you all, but leave.”
Watching people’s faces when I told them we were Black Tenting and explained to them why it was so easy.
Trying to decide if people would understand if I said “Tarping” instead of “Tenting”.
Finding out that people to whom no one in the Fortress is related read this blog.
Hoping the person whose sleeping bag I’m stealing won’t also be spending the night in the Fortress and wanting it back.
Hannah getting bronchitis the first week(ish) of Tenting and still sticking it out. You inspired us all, Hannah.
Brandon’s steadfast devotion to all things Lemur despite all mocking that came his way – and then giving up the lemur suit for the sake of Fortress unity when the Game came.
Leaving for a weekend of skiing right in the middle of Tenting – did anyone ever make a cake for the line monitors after all? Are there pictures?
Watching everyone’s Facebook profile pictures gradually turn blue after the Game.
Still picking blue paint out of my knuckles. This will probably still be happening in a month. I look forward to comparing Knuckle Paint Quantity with all of you when we get back from break.
Less Favorite Moment: Deleting the "Tenting Schedule" bookmark from my browser window
Props to Terry Pratchett for inventing the word “cheesing”. It’s like creaming, but it goes on for longer.
Another one bites the dust, the fat lady has sung, we’re cashin’ in our chips, our frogs in the frying pan, and its time to give it a rest. Tenting had to kick the bucket eventually, it said it’s prayers, and when push came to shove it ended well. But now it’s belly up, stick in a fork in it, it’s done. Now that I’ve listed just about every finality related cliché I could think of it’s time to pull the plug (couldn’t resist one more). We’ve gone out in a blaze of glory (maybe 2 more). The entire experience was amazing and definitely something that will help to define my Duke career. The Fortress was a phenomenon. Our infamy around K-Ville and reputation with the line monitors was a testament to the people in The Fortress and those who are our allies. It was a great group of friends and has brought me much closer to all of them. Unlike other tents we had a real team since about everything with everyone doing their part and then some. Everyone raised the standard and did more that they needed to. We never missed a check. We did everything we had to with the help of everyone. The Fortress had such a great since of pride and unity it was awesome. My parents said that as they watched the game our section stood out as the only solidly blue section. I think the way we were in the game well represents our tent. We were a solid, close group of people who worked together and had an awesome experience. Farewell for this year Fortress, I cannot wait for Fortress II. It was an epic game and an epic experience. All is well.
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