Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday 2/12

(Леша Пурселлов) 3:47
Я устал. Николай и Тимофей спить. Мы сидим в Bryan Center - вообще то они лежит - но я сижу. Осталось немнога работа - но работать не хочу. Опять дали милосерди но так как мы не только в палатках но и еще в очереди для Maryland нам никуда идти. Все - знаю - никто не поймет что тут написанно - пускай и так будет.

(Esther Showalter) - 08:17
I think this is what you meant to say, LJ:

(Lewis of Pursellov) - 3:47
I am tired. Nikolai and Timofey to overimbibe. We are sitting in the Bryan Center; (they are actually lying down) - but I sit. I still have a little work - but I do not want to work. Again I gave [miloserdi] however, since we are not only in the tents but also in line for the Maryland game to us anywhere to go. Everything - I know - no one will understand this here [napisanno] - let so it will be.

(Robert Francis)- 11:07
If only people like MICHAEL GAY and HANNAH SMITH and BRANDON SEMEL and CAMERON OSWALT would bother to contribute to the awesomeness of our blog. Sadly, however, they are failures.

(Tim Lin) - 16:06
Midnight Wal-Mart run last night was a success. The exclusive super duper outrageous cool awesome mysterious unknown super secret plan will be carried out tonight. I hope the snow doesn't deter us too much...

So today was kinda chaotic. Lining up for a basketball game is harder than tenting. We had 12 people lining up, and for those of you who aren't familiar with line-up rules, we have to have half of the group there at all times. So at night, it's effectively blue tenting, but not in the actual tent. During the day, it's like black tenting times 3!! That's how crazy it is. Very hectic. But front row seats (stands? nobody sits at these games...) at Maryland will be super special awesome.

I can't wait till tonight!! Pictures will definitely come soon.

"From the day we arrived on the planet..."

(Robert Francis) -22:50
First noteworthy thing's ***SNOWING***!!!! Yay! After celebrating the snow,

We headed over to West and phase one of Operation Snow Blind is complete. I along with my Fortress comrades spent this evening sheltered from the snow preparing for our secret plan of awesomeness. And it is AWESOME. Be warned. All shall be revealed come dawn...or now in pictures.

1 comment:

  1. There is a movement here in Illinois to force Brandon Semel into contributing to the blog. He says he's busy with an overload of classes, working at the Lemur Center, yada, yada, blah, blah... Where's his team spirit!!?? I even sent him a care package to share with The Fortress - but do you think he's even taken the time to pick it up at the post office???!! No!!
