Monday, February 15, 2010

Monday 2/15

(Robert Francis)- 0:45
It's Ok everyone! The world has been set right again. We did in fact, get grace this evening. I met Laura at the tent at approximately 10 and we watched 'The Bachelor' while enjoying a heart-shaped brownie made by Laura's Mom!!!!! Tim joined and we finished the episode (the ending was filled with much romantic drama and strife!) It was a fitting end to Valentine's Day. A bit later Zach announced over the megaphone that there would be a talent competition and winner would get grace(Perché?). Laura and I rushed beside Cameron to practice. I gave her a 30 second run down of what a double cartwheel was and we attempted it. It was a success and we went and performed amongst jugglers, dancers, martial artists and more! Tim can hold one foot while jumping over the other! (How he discovered this, I am still unsure of.) It was a regular circus! Anyhow, we all received grace (mostly thanks to the Fortress' double cartwheels and foot-hopping). And all was right in the world. Except I seem to have broken my camera. This is sad new. Let us hope it can be repaired.

(Claire McIlvenny) - 14:35
Yesterday I didn't update the blog during my tent shift which was sad. It is even more sad because I was in the tent for 2 and a half hours without my computer. And without my books. And without my IPOD (well, it broke last semester but still). On one of the loneliest Valentine's Days, my only solace was to watch Youtube videos on my I-phone until the battery ran out. I didn't even get to watch 'Pants on the Ground'. What a sad day indeed.

In other news, I saw Ryan Kelly on the bus stop on West yesterday when I came back from my shift. It was the SWEETEST thing ever because he was carrying a backpack and on it was a balloon that said something like 'My Sweet Valentine'. It was floating on a little pink ribbon. His girlfriend probably did it, not realizing that most guys would find the balloon embarrassing. But no, not Ryan Kelly. Ahhhh, so cute.

Finally, I have a Michael Gay update. It's fairly well known around here that the Fortress' main activities include eating Michael Gay. Let's face it, there is not much else to do. Anyway, my friend Annabelle from home enjoys reading our blog, so it was to much amusement that I received this post on my facebook wall:

"...just caught up on your blog...i feel sorry for that Michael guys always want to sacrifice/eat him..."

I think Annabelle has summarized quite succinctly what the Fortress is all about.

(Lewis Purcell) - 18:29
=Haters of the world=
Brian Zoubek, Sr., C, Duke: Hard to ignore the Z-man after his performance Saturday against Maryland. Zoubek had been one of the better defenders all season for the Blue Devils. But he awoke his offensive game against the Terps with 16 points and 17 boards to go with two blocks in the rout of Maryland. He wasn't a major factor against North Carolina, but didn't need to be in that game.


(a series of out-of-context quotes that should by no means be taken at face value)

"For example, I once dreamed I lectured without trousers."~ Professor Jakob Norberg

"So how was your Valentine's Day?" ~Will Spokes
"I watched 'The Bachelor' with Robert Francis and Tim Lin" ~Laura
"That is HOT!" ~Will Spokes

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