Monday, February 8, 2010

Monday 2/08

(Cameron James Oswalt) - 01:00

I would just like to lobby for naming the tent adjacent to THE FORTRESS as THE BASTION based on the following definition...

Definitions of bastion on the Web:

  • a group that defends a principle; "a bastion against corruption"; "the last bastion of communism"
  • a stronghold into which people could go for shelter during a battle
  • projecting part of a rampart or other fortification
I feel like that pretty well describes the tent.
On a more related note, I just heard grace was given. Congrats Fellow Fortress Friends! =]

(Esther Showalter) - 0926
Grace was called until 9am this morning, which was nice. But it's still really cold in the tent right now. I'm trying to figure out these convolutions - that's right, there's really a process in ECE that is named after a word that means "confused and messed up" - and I have to wear gloves because it's so chilly, so all my answers look like a chicken scratched them out on my paper. I was outside earlier, but then it was windy too and then a big truck pulled up right beside my bench and just sat there being loud and noisy, so I'm inside now. It's ok, I can eat the stale animal crackers. I wonder if they're the ones left over from Thursday night.

I think I saw Coach K driving a car by K-ville on the sidewalk. Or it might have just been an angry person. I'm not really sure.

And a little after that all the basketball players came out of Cameron and started walking back to their dorms (I presume). They really are very tall.

(Lewis Purcell) -11:46
I'm not in the tent because blue tenting hardly exists. Ryan Kelly and Mason were at breakfast this morning. Ryan had a waffle. I have a confession to make: until this day I didn't have a poster of the team in my room to look at for inspiration/just to admire. I've felt so bad that i've kept this information from the Team Fortress till today, that I had to go buy one. I'm so happy, it's
such a load off my back.

Isn't it sweet!?!

(Tim Lin) - 10:49
We are sad (happy) to announce that Michael Gay has been devoured. Click the word "devoured" to see how he died. Or just look below. We didn't catch the actual devouring on camera. That would have been disgusting. Kinda like the Ralph/Sally incident...

Here are some stills from the video.
Made by Robert Francis

Michael Gay. Unaware.

Michael Gay is shocked as he is seized without warning.

He is then taken down.

Where Jonathan weakens him with a knife.

Finally Brandon delivers a Lemur Punch to the throat.

"Even if the sky is falling down."

(Tim Lin) - 11:57
I am confused because I posted something, and it disappeared. So here I go again.

I would like to point out that although Ryan had the waffle, like Lewis said, Ryan also did not eat most of his waffle. Yeah.

I just went to the bathroom. I hope there wasn't a tent check in the 3 minutes I was gone.

I just had a mischievously mischievous idea of mischievously mischievous mischief. I can't wait for the next person to post!!

"What can make you move? CHIHUAHUA!! Can you feel the groove? CHIHUAHUA!!"

I just got an email informing The Fortress that we missed a check. Turns out there was a check during Tim's 3-minute bathroom escapade. HEY NICK IMMA LET YOU FINISH, BUT THE FORTRESS IS ONE OF THE BEST TENTS OF ALL TIME! (OF ALL TIME!!) Good job Tim,


(Nick Bodnar) 13:35
Actually, that previous post was a lie. Let us hereby cancel the bounty on his head.


(Tim Lin) - 14:27
What a great post to carry out my mischievously mischievous idea of mischievously mischievous mischief on. Nick, consider yourself Kanye'd.

(Claire McIlvenny) - 22:45
Just got back from Cameron Indoor and watching the Women's Basketball game.

DUKE - 79, UNC - 51


(Claire McIlvenny) - 16:00.
Earlier when I took over from Tim, I mentioned how he had missed a tent check. Thankfully it began to dawn on me that Nick may have been joking BEFORE I killed Tim. It really could have ended badly. Thankfully Nick alerted us of his tomfoolery (what an amazing word) before things got to far.

In other news, my mum sent us all a care package today :D
Yay Team Fortress! Below are a series of photos from said package, and I will be distributing the contents amongst you all when time permits :)

A mysterious and large black box. I wonder what could be inside....??

Is that a note I see??

Ah, why yes, look. It seems these are the intended recipients of this parcel. But what could be inside I wonder??
An English-American dictionary from the 1980s?!?!

Hiding GLORIOUS BRITISH CADBURY PRODUCTS FOR YOU ALL! (If anyone mentions the Kraft takeover I will kill them in their sleep tonight).

I will see you all either in the tent or around and will give you what is yours then :)

And, as I know my mum reads our blog, THANKS MUM :D xxx

(Tim Lin) - 23:31
DUKE > UNC!! I was so mad that the stupid UNC player shot that last shot. We were about to win by 30. Now we have to settle for 28. Fail. I was also happy that one of their players was sagging her pants. I got to yell at her for looking like a fool with her pants on the ground.


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